Network Marketing Vs Traditional Business

C’mon now…

Why would you subject yourself to the demands of a ‘Traditional Business’?

Why willingly offer your soul to a relentless grind, surrendering sleep and well-being?

Why shoulder the colossal responsibility, knowing that if it all unravels, the weight will crush you?

Why endure 80-hour workweeks to evade a 40-hour one?

Why put yourself through that ordeal?


But is it really that simple & straightforward?

Maybe it’s a yes for some, not so much for others.

Perhaps it depends on the kind of business one chooses.

What’s evident is that many Network Marketers like to assert that you can work less and earn more by operating a Network Marketing Business. However, it’s worth noting that many Network Marketers who make this claim have also never ventured into the realms of a ‘Traditional Business’ themselves.

How could one possibly formulate an intelligent, informed opinion about something they’ve never experienced firsthand?

It’s a puzzling stance, to say the least.

The internet, of course, is home to a surplus of uninformed yet highly opinionated armchair critics who’ve never dabbled in any form of business but are more than happy to denounce Network Marketing as a scam, branding it a financial abyss that alienates friends and family.

What’s that all about?

Because, quite frankly, that’s not true either.

So, can we first agree that both successes and failures have transpired within the realm of ‘Traditional Businesses’?

Can we also concur that both successes and failures have been witnessed in the world of Network Marketing?

Therefore, when someone has successfully navigated the territories of either or both for several years, turning them into profitable ventures that support a fulfilling lifestyle, would you consider their advice valuable?

Absolutely! It would be unwise not to, given the wisdom and insights likely amassed through such experiences—assuming, of course, that their words are entirely honest and truthful (we’ll touch on that shortly).

Now, if someone has stumbled repeatedly in either domain, struggling to secure a substantial income, do you think they could provide worthwhile guidance?

Well, perhaps from a standpoint of resilience and as a source of cautionary tales, they might offer something valuable. After all, you can learn something from everyone, even if it’s learning “what NOT to do.” But, in the grand scheme of things, probably not so much.

You get my drift, right?

So, why do so many cling to a rigid “I’m right, you’re wrong!” mindset when there are clear instances of triumph and defeat on both sides?

Is it ego?


Common consensus?

This piques my curiosity because, personally, I know numerous people—friends, family, colleagues—who own one or more ‘Traditional Businesses’ that have outperformed the majority of Network Marketers. Similarly, I’m acquainted with a few Network Marketers who’ve outshone numerous ‘Traditional Business’ owners. Remarkably, I even know individuals in high-level employment positions who out-earn some ‘Traditional Business’ proprietors and Network Marketers.

So, who’s in the right and who’s in the wrong here?

It’s the one telling the truth… simple as that!

Distorting the truth, inflating earnings, and dishing out little white lies is not uncommon in the Network Marketing space. The fervent desire to make a stellar impression on potential recruits sometimes leads to this kind of behaviour.

I’ve witnessed this time and time again.

Thus, the paramount message here is…


Everyone eventually sees through such deception, and it only tarnishes your credibility.

The truth is, people will gravitate toward what they believe suits them best at any given moment. Undeniably, some individuals excel in Network Marketing and have reaped substantial earnings from it—I’ve seen it happen. On the other hand, there are those who fare poorly, just as there are those who thrive and struggle in ‘Traditional Businesses.’

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with juggling both. The crucial point is that it ultimately comes down to what works best for you and what genuinely brings you happiness at any given time.

With that said… it’s also crucial to cut the BS!

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After being exposed to some interesting and eye-opening situations within this space, I have felt the need to share those experiences as well as seek out further truths as well as fallacies relating to the topic of MLM. Therefore, my intention is to share and offer some handy insights as well as help shed further light on a few key topics around this subject if you are currently in or have been considering venturing down this road.

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