Important Message!

My lawyer made me say it…

“Don’t copy any of mah schizz!”

And here we are…

Ready to delve into the world of marketing & selling stuff.

But this journey isn’t your run-of-the-mill adventure.

No sir…

It’s a special one because we’re about to dive deep into the often-debated realm of selling stuff via MLM to discover if it’s the right path for you.

So, let’s not waste any time and start by asking ourselves…


When the vast majority:

Don’t make it past the first 3 months!
Won’t see a single cent of income!
Are pretty much destined to fail!

It doesn’t seem to make sense, does it?

Predictably, this is a hotly contested topic with strong and opposing viewpoints.

Now before I delve into this complex issue, can we agree that when it comes to personal opinions, there’s no shortage of them on this subject?

Confirmation bias often reigns supreme here, and many people are easily swayed and influenced, with the truth often hidden, exposed, or manipulated to feed existing biases.

So to help keep the peace I’m going to refer to MLM as ‘Network Marketing’ or it’s acronym ‘NWM’ going forward.

We all know what it’s really referring to, so let’s just move on and look at the more important stuff such as the ethics, efficacy, pitfalls and other topics that really matter related to this way of conducting business.

In fairness, some make reasonable arguments about its effectiveness or ineffectiveness, depending on which side of the fence you’re on. However, there are also those who offer strange, twisted, and bizarre perspectives with very little understanding at all.

Some can be highly entertaining, while others… well…

But hey, that’s the world we live in, full of all sorts of unique individuals willing to share a mixed bag of opinions, no matter how informed, uninformed, or flat out peculiar they may be.

It’s fair to say that some have unwavering loyalty and view it as one of the best business models in the world, while others… not so much.

In any case, this popular yet controversial business model tends to inspire either passionate ‘love it’ or ‘hate it’ sentiments with little room for anything in between, resulting in a lot of nonsense and flat out BS being thrown around from both sides of the fence.

Hence, the purpose of this website and its content is to discuss some of the issues and puzzles many encounter in this space, as well as the often-overlooked grey areas surrounding this topic.

Because not everything is as black and white as many would like to believe.

So, let’s whip out the magnifying glass and take a closer look at why anyone would actually consider it in the first place…